Wherever you are, however honed-in (or horrible) your sense of direction is, when you go to Whole Foods, you can most likely find your way around pretty quickly. Flowers are in one spot; fresh fruit and vegetables in another; and the beauty section is somewhere nearby, never too too hard to find.
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But a new initiative by the store may be changing some things up. According to WWD, Whole Body is embarking on a new program internally referred to as “Beauty 2.0.” The goal: “To intrigue shoppers venturing into Whole Body departments with merchandise consistency and enhanced retail setups.”
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“Traditionally, natural brands were always in the natural product industry and sold in co-ops and natural food stores and presented in that format, but you are seeing the emergence of these boutiques that are bringing more sophistication to ingredient stories and merchandising,” Maren Giuliano, executive global coordinator of Whole Foods’ Whole Body department, told WWD. “As our presentation evolves, it will be elevated, and it will lose any crunchiness associated with it.”
As part of that “consistency” theme, Beauty 2.0 will usher in more “unified product offerings.” Currently, the beauty lineup is determined regionally; now, there will be a roster of brands across locations. The ones that made it: Juice Beauty, MyChelle, Weleda, Avalon Organics, Mineral Fusion, Dr. Hauschka, Evan Healy, Derma E, Acure, Andalou and Trilogy.