A concern among women who augment their lips is that they’ll be overfilled. “There are two parts of the lips that can be injected: the white roll, where the pink of the lip meets the skin under the nose, and the red line, the junction where the dry and wet parts of your lips meet,” says Santa Fe, NM, plastic surgeon Daniel Ronel, MD. Where your doctor injects you determines your result. “If too much is injected in the white roll, your lips will look like a shelf,” he says. “Your doctor should also avoid overcorrecting the philtrum (the two lines that come down from your nose to your lip), which can make your lips look duck-like,” says New York City dermatologist Cameron Rokhsar, MD. If your lips are too full, they can be injected with hyaluronidase, which breaks up hyaluronic acid. The fact that hyaluronic acid fillers are reversible (which rarely has to be done) is a significant advantage over other types of fillers.
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