Get More Nutrients Out Of Your Carbs

Get More Nutrients Out Of Your Carbs featured image

By implementing a few small tweaks to your daily diet, you can make a world of difference, fueling your body with essentials needed. This is one of our favorite diet secrets: every week, switch one brown bread food for a whole sprouted grain.

How does it work? Most white carbohydrates offer nothing more than empty calories. Just as filling as their white counterparts, brown rice, whole-wheat bread, pasta and pizza, as well as other types of whole grains, pack a powerful punch of “protein, fiber and nutrients,” says Kansas City, MO, nutrition expert Mitzi Dulan. But, still, brown breads won’t provide you with the quantity and quality of nutrients that sprouted grains (sprouted whole-wheat kernels that are grouped up and then baked into the bread) can.

• So, if you regularly eat whole-grain bread, try sprouted grain instead.

• If you favor brown rice, opt for quinoa or bulgur wheat.

• If you like whole-wheat crackers, choose flax seed crackers as an alternative.

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