
Can You Freeze Your Wrinkles Away?

Can You Freeze Your Wrinkles Away? featured image

Researchers say that a new technology that temporarily zaps away forehead wrinkles by freezing the nerves looks to be promising in early clinical trials. If the FDA eventually approves this freezing technique, it could provide an alternative for people who don’t want to receive injections as a means of reducing facial wrinkles.

The maker refers to this new treatment as cyroneuromodulation and claims it is equally as safe and efficient as comparable existing techniques. Physicians who are performing the procedure will use small needles or “cyroprobes” to deliver cold to nerves that run through the forehead. The cold freezes the nerve, which interrupts and relaxes the muscle that causes forehead lines. The technique is said to not permanently damage the nerve.

The technique is still being perfected, and it has not yet been determined how long the effect lasts but it is estimated to work for about three to four months. Physicians will need training to identify the correct nerve to target, during the 15-minute treatment that requires local anesthesia. Current research only deals with forehead wrinkles; treating wrinkles elsewhere on the face may be examined in the future. Is this procedure something you may be interested in?

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