A New Longer-Lasting Alternative to Botox Might Be Coming Soon

A New Longer-Lasting Alternative to Botox Might Be Coming Soon featured image

Ever since Botox Cosmetic made its way into the vocabulary of American women and men, it’s become a staple anti-aging treatment for the sheer fact that it works. And, since its advent, we’ve seen other injectable neuromodulators come to market, including Dysport and Xeomin, which both offer impeccable wrinkle-reducing powers, too.

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Now, another toxin, RT002, is in the works and it may be here even sooner than you can say, “What is it called”? Currently in phase 3 trials, which started about one month ago, studies are under way to assess how injections of RT002 work on the glabellar lines (the lines between the eyebrows). Washington, D.C. dermatologist Tina Alster, MD, who is an investigator for the trials, says, “The latest injectable neurotoxin, RT002, shows promise as a Botox alternative that has a prolonged clinical effect.”

So what does this mean for consumers? If all goes right—FDA-approval is anticipated soon, but a release date hasn’t been issued—there will be yet another neuromodulator to choose from and this one may even be marketed as a long-lasting one. In fact, a trial done last year showed that RT002 lasted for up to six months when frown lines were treated. As if longevity wasn’t enough, RT002 is constituted differently, too. “It is a highly purified version of botulinum toxin and contains no animal proteins or human albumin. Early studies have shown RT002 to be safe and well-tolerated.”

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