In a recent interview with Parents, Ashley Graham talked all-things postpartum hair loss, which she says was “more traumatic than giving birth because I was like ‘My hair’s falling out in clumps—what am I doing?’ and then I realized it’s actually a thing.”
Graham says the hair loss was mainly centered around her hair line, and despite her struggle, she still poked fun at the common postpartum side effect. In an Instagram post from March, she writes, “I may not be a bond girl but I can be a bond villain (postpartum baby hairs come through!!!!).”
Graham told Parents that alongside her hair loss, her skin changed after having a baby. “My skin got a bit irritated as well, and I had a little bit of rosacea that I had to combat after welcoming Isaac.” The supermodel also touched on the 20-pound weight gain she experienced after having her now one-year-old son.
“Everybody told me if you breastfeed, the weight falls off. Well, that was BS. And I’m still working on like 20 pounds. When I say working on, I just kind of look at it every day like, ‘Hello, new body.’ And that’s just kind of how I go on with it.”