Is A Low-Carb Diet Deflating Your Butt?

Is A Low-Carb Diet Deflating Your Butt? featured image

A well-balanced diet coupled with exercise is essential for maintaining a firm butt. Low-carb and high-protein diets may be all the rage right now, but according to Los Angeles celebrity nutritionist Christine Avanti, author of Skinny Chicks Don’t Eat Salad, low-carb diets aren’t necessarily the way to go if you’re trying to target your rear end.

“The butt is primarily made up of muscle,” Avanti explains, “Low-carb diets cause the body to break down muscle tissue, which can lead to a flat butt.”

But that doesn’t mean you should load up on carbs, either. Avanti recommends a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and good fats like nuts and seeds.

“This way, you’re saving muscle and getting rid of a layer of fat so your butt plumps up and gets round, preventing it from getting flabby and loose.”

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