I’ve dealt with discoloration through enzyme exfoliation numerous times, but it never occurred to me to consider bruises a form of discoloration, or that enzymes could improve their appearance from the inside. That’s the theory behind BruiseMD.
I wish I’d found these clever tablets a week earlier! See, I recently adopted a second shelter mutt, and he goes through spurts of spontaneous rambunctiousness. Unfortunately, I sometimes find myself the target of his adorable yet rowdy enthusiasm, and a couple weeks ago, I ended up with less-than-lovely bruise right where my cleavage starts.
If this supplement had fallen into my lap a little sooner, I probably would’ve had to look at the bruise-which took its sweet time evolving from red to purple to blue to yellow-for far fewer days. Each pill contains bromelain and papain, the powerful enzymes from pineapple and papaya, which help the body heal and accelerate the alleviation of inflammation, pain, and, yes, the discoloration that makes a bruise so inconveniently obvious.
If your doctor says it won’t interfere with any of your current meds, you can take three or four BruiseMD tablets each day to speed up the course of any bruise that’s bothering you. I know I definitely will the next time I get a bruise, which, knowing my new dog, will be in the next 15 minutes.