7 Beauty Mistakes Women Make Too Often


No matter how young or old you are, these beauty mistakes are dated, aging and hard to pull off on everyone. Simply put, they’re just not flattering.

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Baby blue eye shadow 

Probably one of the hardest eye shadow colors to wear, Elizabeth Arden Global Makeup Artist Rebecca Restrepo likens baby blue eye shadow (even supermatte or supershiny finishes) to one of the most dated hues. “It’s very ’70s, but in an unflattering way that doesn’t complement many women and their skin.”

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Applying blush all the way up to the hairline 

Wearing blush, especially in a color that’s way too bright for your skin tone or loaded with shimmer, and applying it all the way from your cheeks up into your hairline is harsh, unsophisticated and unnatural-looking. Keep it just to the apples of your cheeks instead of drawing a thick stripe.

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Wearing a haircut made famous by a celebrity

Steer clear of sporting any style named after an actress (they don’t stay trendy for long and it only dates your look). Celebrity colorist Beth Minardi says that a lot of women try to copy a celebrity’s hairstyle thinking that they will look more like that star. “The problem is that these women don’t see what’s looking back at them in the mirror. Maybe at one point in time ‘The Rachel’ and ‘The Farrah Fawcett’ were in, but that’s definitely not the case anymore,” she says.

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Shaving your neck and wearing your hair supershort

Minardi says that a shaved neck, especially on a more mature woman, is like hot pants for the face. “It’s an unflattering look that no one should wear, especially when the hair is shaved all the way down and longer in the front and shorter in the back. This look is such a no-no.”

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Dying your hair burgundy 

This color may have been big in the ’80s, but burgundy doesn’t flatter most skin tones. “I don’t like it on anyone over the age of 25. It’s not a color that you see in nature and it’s really dated at this point,” says Minardi.

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Wearing icy white hair

According to Minardi, women with naturally dark hair should stay away from this color altogether. “Unless your hair is naturally silver, avoid it. It’s so brittle-looking and the only way to possibly pull it off is by wearing the right makeup that goes along with it, which many women don’t do.”

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Below-the-elbow-length hair

Marina Perkovic, Phyto Universe technician says that even younger women should stay away from superlong hair, especially if it’s shapeless, full of split ends, unhealthy and unkempt. “It’s better to keep your style current.”

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