Wacky Workouts That Make Exercise Exciting

Wacky Workouts That Make Exercise Exciting featured image
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Let’s face it…sometimes we’d rather bang our heads against a wall than work out, especially if that means spending an hour on the treadmill. Unless you have a workout you truly enjoy, hitting the gym will always be a dreadful chore. That’s where these exciting, and wacky, workouts come in.

First up, trapeze. That’s right, swinging through the air isn’t just for circus performers, it’s actually a great way to slim down your figure. The moves work your upper and lower body as well as your core—and it’s also an exhilarating experience. However, this workout isn’t suggested for those who have shoulder problems.

The next wacky workout that we’ve had our eyes on is trampoline fitness classes. This one brings us back to our childhood when we could spend hours jumping and playing games on the trampoline without realizing what an incredible workout it was. Now, you can take part in one of the many trampoline workout classes sprouting up all over the country, like SkyRobics at Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park. You’ll do a number of different bouncy movements like sprints, jumping jacks, squats and circuit training to up your calorie burn. 

Pole dancing has been extremely popular thanks to celebrities like Eva Longoria and Britney Spears partaking in classes. It makes our list because it’s an out-of-the-ordinary way to get a total body workout and feel sexy while doing it. Plus, you can even burn up to 420 calories in a class!

Tired of your plain old yoga class? Anti-gravity yoga allows you to take your yoga practice to the next level…literally! Mariah Carey is reportedly a fan of these classes. And we can see why! The fabric hammock used in the class helps you get into different positions that you simply can’t do with normal yoga. What’s more, this is the perfect class if you want to get a flat tummy since most of the poses focus on your core.

So there you have it, some wacky, but fun, workouts you can try to make physical activity something you look forward to. Which one are you most excited to try?

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