The Best YouTube Tutorials for Your Biggest Problem Areas


We can all come up with many different reasons why we couldn’t make it to the gym today. Be it not enough hours in the day or perhaps the comfort of your couch is a little too intoxicating. Whatever the reason, here’s a list of workouts that are easy to sneak into your routine and will get you feeling better about your problem areas.

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Constantly hiding your arms in a sweater? Not anymore! These arm workouts will have you baring those toned arms in no time.

Best Triceps Exercises to Get Rid of Flabby Arms || Nathalie Jill

In just 10 minutes (five exercises total), this video will get you feeling the burn. Don’t be intimidated; as the instructor points out, “You gotta make them feel like Jell-O, to make them hard.”

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Fat Burning Tank Top Arms Workout – Cardio Intervals + Upper Body Training || Fitness Blender

If you’re a little more serious about your workouts, this video is for you. The instructor guides you through each exercise on technique and form, while the cardio intervals get your heart rate up. The cool part? They also include an estimate on the calories burned.

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5-Minute Arm Jiggle Workout || POPSUGAR Fitness

Got five minutes and a pair of dumbbells? This arm workout is for you. (If you find a few of the exercises too hard, the instructor does offer some easier modified options.)

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Dreaming of the ultimate behind like Kim Kardashian? These videos can get you started!

Bikini Buns & Thighs Routine || Tone it Up

Try this tutorial if you’re familiar with and own a stability ball. If so, the exercises are not too difficult, but will definitely have you feeling the burn on your inner thighs and butt. The video’s backdrop, a Southern California beach, is a definite plus.

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BeFiT Booty Boosters: Butt Sculpting Workout || BeFiT

If you’re serious about getting the butt of your dreams, look no further. This workout tutorial offers various exercises that will help shape and tone your butt and legs. Some of these exercises may be challenging, but the instructor offers modified versions allowing both novices and experts to follow along.

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10-Minute Build a Better Butt Workout || POPSUGAR Fitness

The exercises featured are simple enough that anyone can do them, and they should only take up 10 minutes out of your day, so there’s no excuse to skip your workout.

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Muffin tops are our favorite part of muffins, but our least favorite part of our bodies. Luckily, these workout videos will make them a thing of the past.

Get Rid of the Muffin Top | Best Ab Workout || Nathalie Jill

This one is a great tutorial to watch if you’re tired of doing repetitive sets of crunches, but still want a great workout to get rid of your muffin top. Also, it only takes five minutes to do them!

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The Quickest Muffin Top Workout || POPSUGAR Fitness

If you’re looking for a workout tutorial that focuses almost exclusively on your obliques, then check this video out. It only takes five minutes, but it’ll be the sweatiest and most effective five minutes of your life.

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Five Best Muffin Top Melting Moves || Blogilates

If you’re a fan of Pilates, then you will be a fan of this video. The instructor uses moves from Pilates that will target your obliques and get rid of a muffin top. The best part, if you’re a beginner, she will show you a slightly easier modified version.

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