It’s an old wives tale that a daughter in the womb steals her mother’s beauty during pregnancy, and many say that’s most apparent in a widening nose. However, your nose can change in appearance regardless of the unborn baby’s sex.
Called rhinitis of pregnancy, a wider nose is caused by elevated estrogen levels, which causes mucus linings to thicken, excess fluid retention and weight gain. This “spreading” is often accompanied by nasal congestion and blockage.
There’s nothing that can be safely done about this while you’re pregnant, so you have to wait until after you’ve delivered your baby. Just like other parts of the body, fluctuations during pregnancy can result in the loss of underlying support, which may require surgical correction.
Although rhinoplasty to correct nasal changes from pregnancy is rare, when it does occur, it’s usually because of a pre-existing problem that was emphasized by pregnancy’s changes.
For many women, however, their nose naturally returns to a more familiar shape after pregnancy.
Natalie Portman is looking as gorgeous as ever in her second trimester of pregnancy. Have you experienced a change in the way your nose looks while you were pregnant? Leave a comment to tell us about your experience.