
Weight Loss

Sculpt Slimmer Waist NewBeauty

In-Office Solutions to Sculpt a Slimmer Waist

By NewBeauty Editors December 17, 2014
What it do if diet and exercise are not cutting it.
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Tricks to Boost Your Collagen in the Morning

By NewBeauty Editors November 25, 2014
The best products to look your best. 
Cellulite Removal NewBeauty

The Effect of Hormones on Cellulite

By NewBeauty Editors November 3, 2014
You may not realize the connection.
The Best Anti-Cellulite Workout

The Best Anti-Cellulite Workout

By Elise Minton Tabin July 14, 2014
The thighs, butt, stomach and upper arms are the areas that attract cellulite and women are on a constant quest to find a permanent solution to eliminate it.
celebrity Arms

How To Get Toned Arms Like Cameron Diaz

By NewBeauty Editors June 22, 2014
No matter what shape your arms may be in at the moment, it is possible to get them toned, firm and cut with the right exercise plan. To find out […]

Never Eat This at The Salad Bar

By NewBeauty Editors May 21, 2014
When you hear “salad” you think “healthy,” right? Well often times a seemingly innocent lunch salad could be loaded with hidden calories, fat and sugar. That’s why in this episode […]
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