
Can Cellulite Be Prevented? The Doctors Weigh In

Can Cellulite Be Prevented? The Doctors Weigh In featured image

Lumps, bumps, “cottage cheese” and “orange-peel” skin. No matter what you call it, cellulite can plague even the fittest bodies. And unfortunately for 90 percent of women, it’s an everyday burden. When dimpled thighs are staring back at you in the mirror, it’s hard not to wonder: Can cellulite be prevented-or better yet-cured? We asked the doctors to weigh in.

The consensus? Most experts agree: The appearance of cellulite is linked to genetics (if your mother has it, you probably will too) and gender (in women, the connective tissues surrounding fat cells run vertically, which creates a “bulging” of fat cells, resulting in a “puckered” look). And because this common condition has a genetic predisposition, Beverly Hills, CA, plastic surgeon Leslie H. Stevens, MD, says, “It’s hard to find a magic bullet for treating it.”

Even if Mother Nature isn’t in your favor, is there anything you can do to fix it? “There’s no cure for cellulite,” says Fullerton, CA, dermatologist Julie A. Hodge, MD. While Dr. Stevens agrees that cellulite is not easy to treat, he says one can see some improvements with in-office treatments and retinol-and caffeine-based creams when used for six months. “Keeping fit, eating healthy and good skin tone may help to minimize cellulite as well,” he adds.

To find out about the latest in-office cellulite treatments and to see the best topical products for treating it, check out the new issue of NewBeauty magazine, on newsstands now.

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