Quick Fixes For Makeup Stains

Quick Fixes For Makeup Stains featured image

Few things are more annoying than getting your freshly applied foundation all over your freshly washed blouse. It’s right up there with the whole “white deodorant mark on your little black dress” situation. That’s why we have rounded up these quick fixes for said makeup stains, so you don’t have to run to the dry cleaners before that big meeting.

Blot it up
The foam that often comes on hangers from the dry cleaner can also lift deodorant marks and foundation. Wrap the foam around your finger, then press and gently brush on the stain to lift it without smearing. If it is an extra-tough stain, dilute some dishwashing detergent, dip an old toothbrush in it and simply rub the stain gently, then rinse.

Dab it away
To remove foundation from fabric, blot up any excess with a towel, then dip a cotton swab in alcohol and gently dab the stain from the inside of the clothing. Repeat until the stain is gone.

Blow it off
If a dusting of face powder or eye shadow ends up on your outfit, try blowing it off with a hair dryer. Just don’t wet it-that could drive the powder deeper into the fabric.

Use powder
To remove lipstick from a white collar, sprinkle baby powder on it to absorb the oils, then cover it with a clean cloth and run a warm, dry iron over it. The color will come right up like the melted wax off a tablecloth.

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