Only Her Doctor (And The Entire Country) Knows For Sure

Only Her Doctor (And The Entire Country) Knows For Sure featured image

Celebrities are notorious for their no-comment approach to cosmetic procedures. Even when they show up on the red carpet looking noticeably curvier, slimmer or younger than they did just a few weeks ago, some flat-out deny they’ve had “work” done, while others simply ignore the curiosity altogether.

Staying mum lends to the illusion that famous people are naturally better-looking and more age-defying than the rest of us, but over the past few years, a handful of brave VIPs have broken rank, admitting to surgery and injections. And recently, an Oscar nominee has become the spokesperson for one of Hollywood’s most popular-and clandestine-procedures.

Forty-something thespian Virginia Madsen stars in the latest Botox Cosmetic commercials, which began running last month-and she’s not acting. Madsen, who’s shown in the ad playing on the beach with her son, originally confessed being a Botox fan a few years ago; Allergan took notice, and in 2007, they made her the face of their increasingly in-demand injectable.

Madsen, who has also used Juvederm, has said she’s proud to take the secrecy out of the procedure, not only because it shouldn’t be taboo, but because it gives her the opportunity to educate people about the right way to pursue the treatments.

“I work out. I eat good foods. And I also get injectables, and I just felt like it was really important for us to discuss the safety issues,” the Sideways star told the press last year. “Botox and Juvederm are medicines. I think a lot of people have lost sight of that with the growing popularity of these products.”

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