
Is the “Thigh Gap” a Worthy Goal?

Is the “Thigh Gap” a Worthy Goal? featured image
Photo Credits: Victoria’s Secret

As the former chubbiest girl in the fifth grade, I have worked long and hard to get my body in shape, while always trying to remember that “fitness” is marathon, not a race. No one gets “fit” over night—it takes many concentrated hours of dedication. However, I have come to realize that no matter how hard I workout, doing lunges and squats for days on end, I will never achieve the coveted “thigh gap”—the visible space between the upper thighs when the feet are together.

One search of the social networking site Twitter, and you’ll realize the “thigh gap” is something women, across all ages, obsess over. With images of super thin bikini-clad models and actresses all over the Internet, it’s no wonder ultrathin thighs have become the ideal. But is this obsession healthy? 

Celebrity fitness trainer Ashley Borden says no. In our recent Google+ hangout on How to Get Sexy Legs for Summer, Borden points out, “The gap between the thighs—that has to do with your anatomy and the bone structure of your body.” Basically, there are many women who are physically fit that have thighs that touch at the top and it’s just due to their bone structure.

So if your thighs don’t touch, and you follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly, don’t worry about attaining a gap between your thighs. While some women seek the help of a board-certified plastic surgeon for liposuction of the area, it should all be about being comfortable with your body, not trying to attain someone else’s.

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