Celebrity beauty hacks are like a gift that keeps on giving, especially when the tips and tricks are so ingenious, they leave us totally awestruck. So naturally you can imagine my excitement, upon discovering actress Evan Rachel Wood’s clever use of liquid chlorophyll, which according to the “Thirteen” star, promises oxygenated and refreshed-looking skin.
Now of course, chlorophyll instantly brings back memories of my high school science class, but beauty enthusiasts seem to swear by its skin-rejuvenating properties, especially when taken in liquid form. So, being the ever-so-curious beauty adventurer, I just had to try this one out for myself, to see exactly what the fuss was about.
Adding some liquid chlorophyll to my water for seven days straight, here’s what actually happened when I gave my salads and green smoothies (also rich with chlorophyll) a break, and let liquid chlorophyll step in, and work it’s magic.
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