
Your Shapewear’s Dirty Little Secret

Your Shapewear’s Dirty Little Secret featured image
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We once lived in a world where shapewear could do no wrong. In our minds, they have superhero powers. After all, they help us look fabulous in those curve-hugging dresses, right? But it looks like one of our favorite articles of clothing has been harboring a dirty little secret.

Experts say that wearing shapewear for long periods of time isn’t the safest thing for your body. One reason why is that squeezing your abdominal area can aggravate conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or acid reflux disease. Wearing slimming garments that are too tight have also been said to increase your chances of yeast and bladder infections.

Another extreme side effect of shapewear is that if they’re too tight around your calves and thighs, they could restrict blood flow. This could potentially cause swelling and even blood clots that can do some serious harm if they travel to other parts of your body. Too-tight shapewear can also compress nerves, which can lead to pain, numbness and tingling in your legs.

The moral of the story is that smaller is not always better. The key to buying shapewear is to choose a size that isn’t too tight and fits comfortably when you’re standing up and when you’re sitting down. Basically, if your shapewear makes it harder to breathe, then you’ve got the wrong size on.

What are you favorite slimming garments?

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