
Marcia Cross Reveals She Had Cancer with a Candid Photo of Her Post-Treatment Hair Loss

Marcia Cross Reveals She Had Cancer with a Candid Photo of Her Post-Treatment Hair Loss featured image
Photo Credits: s_bukley/ Shutterstock

After keeping her cancer diagnosis a secret, actress Marcia Cross has just revealed in a series of Instagram posts that she had anal cancer, but is thankfully now cancer-free.

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“So grateful and happy to be alive but sad that my hair fell out and is about 1 inch long now and looks cra cra. Anyone else have #hairloss due to #cancer? Talk to me. I feel you.” Cross wrote on her first Instagram reveal, showing off super short hair in the image.


Cross, who starred in Desperate Housewives and Quantico, then went on to clarify to fans that she is currently in remission, writing on a second Instagram post: “I am POST cancer. All good now. Hard journey, but I am HEALTHY, happy, and more present and grateful than ever.”


Finally, in Cross’s third post, she revealed that it was anal cancer that she had been battling—which, according to the National Cancer Institute, is incredibly rare. In fact, only about 0.5 percent of all new cancer cases are anal cancer, with around 0.2 percent of men and women getting the diagnosis in their lifetime.


“After posting a picture of myself here and uttering the words #cancer and #hairloss, I felt liberated, deliriously free and completely me,” Cross wrote on her third Instagram image about cancer. “I am ecstatically alive and what interests me post cancer is #AUTHENTICITY, #VULNERABILITY, #TRANSPARENCY. And of course #LOVE.” Kudos to Cross for being so open and honest about her recovery post-cancer. Her positive outlook is certainly inspiring, and we can’t help but love her for opening up about such a rare diagnosis.

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