
Get Your Brows Into Their Best Shape

Get Your Brows Into Their Best Shape featured image

If you’re dissatisfied with the shape of your eyebrows or their arch, a trained expert can make a major difference with a professional brow shaping session. When eyebrows are shaped correctly, they bring symmetry to your facial features and may even make your face look thinner and younger.

Many experts feel that the ideal eyebrow is full with a defined arch, but achieving the perfect shape largely depends on the size and shape of your face. A rounder face should have a high arch to add length, while a square face should have rounder brows to soften facial features.

For brows that are too thin, consider using a topical growth serum on a nightly basis, and leave the grooming to a professional. Ask your aesthetician to envision you with fuller brows and to tweeze the strays outside of that area, so the brows grow in while still looking groomed.

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