
5 Foods for Healthier Hair

5 Foods for Healthier Hair featured image

We all know hair products are a quick solution for damaged hair, but if you really want to improve the health of your hair, it may be time to change up your diet. Here are the best foods to eat for stronger, healthier hair. 

Dark Green Vegetables
Dark green vegetables like broccoli, kale and spinach are high in vitamins A and C, which help produce healthy oils in your hair that strengthen and add shine, basically like a natural conditioner.

If you have dry hair, add walnuts to your diet. They’re high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E that help hydrate your hair from the inside out.

Bean Sprouts
If your hair breaks easily, add some bean sprouts to your diet. They contain silica, which strengthens your hair and also prevents breakage.

This root vegtable contains beta carotine, which can help your scalp produce hair-sustaining oil. 

Not only are they delicious, but eggs can help combat thinning hair because they contain sulfur, which promotes hair growth and improves blood circulation to the scalp. Plus, they contain other healthy hair vitamins like biotin and B12.

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