Hollywood’s Best Botox


Achieving a natural look, without going, well, just plain old natural (sans makeup or “work”), is harder than one might think. Getting the right amount and type of fillers is key in aging gracefully. All types of fillers and injectables, both those that are FDA-approved and those that are not, can be abused. While it’s not in your best interest to have any one substance overinjected, negative long-term effects of Botox, Dysport and hyaluronic acid fillers are typically less severe than fillers that are intended to be longer-lasting or permanent.

Click through this gallery to see the other celebrities we think look the most naturally beautiful as they age, and get tips on how to get a natural look of your own.

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Actress Jenny McCarthy has aged beautifully since 1996. “Her Botox (or Dysport) is perfect,” says West Palm Beach, FL, dermatologist Kenneth R. Beer, MD. “And her brows have a very feminine arch.”

Stick With Temporary Fillers

According to Dr. Beer, temporary fillers look more natural than something semipermanent or permanent because they are more compatible with the body. “Our bodies naturally do not have plastic or silicone in them. When these substances are injected, they never look as natural,” he says. Permanent fillers also do not age along with the face.

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Creating more almond-shaped eyes, like actress Lori Loughlin, can be achieved with fillers, “since it fills in the space under eyes and fills in the cheeks, lifting any loose skin back into place,” says San Antonio dermatologist Vivian Bucay, MD.

Set a Schedule with Your Doctor, and Stick to It

Be consistent with injections, but wait until the majority of the results have worn off before re-injecting. “This way, you don’t have to regress back to your baseline, or ‘start from scratch,’ with each session,” says Dr. Beer.

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Ask Your Doctor to Be Conservative

A little truly does go a long way, as we see with Molly Sims

“Although very slight, she looks to have had filler to soften nasolabial lines at the base of her cheeks and in the oral commissures at the corners of her mouth,” says Melbourne, FL, dermatologist Anita Saluja, MD, explaining that these areas are where laugh lines are most prominent and show age quickly. 

Don’t Combine Injections with Too Many Other Procedures

Injectables may be coupled with other treatments, but it’s important not to do too much of anything. “Overdoing anything will distort normal facial proportions and convey a look that is ‘done,’” says Dr. Beer.

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When it comes to your lips, your lower lip should be 30 percent larger than your upper lip. When she was younger, Courteney Cox lips appeared somewhat thinner. Today, she still has no lines around her mouth, which can make the lips look older than they really are.

“Her lips look plumper. There are no lines and her border is well-defined,” says New York dermatologist Cameron Rokhsar, MD.

Know What’s Being Injected

There are women who get injected by nonqualified practitioners who don’t use FDA-approved fillers, but rather silicone and nonmedical-grade injectables that can create problems.

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Know Where It’s Being Injected

There are certain areas on the face that, when injected, have certain reactions to the filler– both good and bad. A prime example is seen here with Kelly Ripa.

“Her crows feet fan is less tight, more open and more relaxed,” says Coral Gables, FL, dermatologist Janice Maribona, DO. “I would bet that she got a little touch of Voluma,” Maribona says, explaining that patients with small eyes or tight orbiculares muscles receive a push-up-bra-effect when Voluma is injected in the area, pushing the eye up and supporting it. 

Start early

“After about five years of repeated, regular injections, the skin will look softer, and there will be more collagen in it,” explains New Orleans dermatologist Mary P. Lupo, MD.

La Jolla, CA, plastic surgeon Robert Singer, MD, adds, “Continuing with injections of Botox or Dysport every four months or so, before there is full recurrence of muscle activity, seems to slow the progression of aging.”

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Source: Getty; Startraks

Restore Definition

If the two lines that extend downward from your nose to your lips, known as the philtrum, have become flat (with the ridges almost impossible to see), your doctor can inject them with a filler to reinflate them and restore definition.

As seen here, Nicole Kidman’s lips have remained plump and defined throughout the years. 

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