Celeb Spa Secrets: Courtney Thorne Smith

Celeb Spa Secrets: Courtney Thorne Smith featured image

She stars in the hit comedy Two and a Half Men, but the most important roles for Courtney Thorne Smith are off-screen—as wife to her husband, Roger, and mother to her son, Jacob. Still somehow with her hectic schedule, she manages to always look amazing. How does she do it? “I believe the one thing that ages us most is stress, so anything that helps me relax and enjoy life more is great for how I look. At a spa, you are suppose to shut off your mind and enjoy the sensory experience,” she says.

Beauty Philosophy
“There is no mystery about what makes anyone look their best. I drink a lot of water, work out moderately every day, eat a low-carb diet and have a husband, son and girlfriends who make me laugh all the time. That, more than anything, keeps me young. I know it sounds trite, but when I’m happy, I look my best.”

Biggest Beauty Indulgence
“The most relaxing thing I do is get a facial from my facialist of 20 years, Chat Steinwald, at her day spa Brentwood Retreat. After an hour and a half with her, I’m completely blissed out! Also, my skin looks great, which is a wonderful bonus. And I love a good massage. Really, I love all of it!”

Simple Approach to Staying in Shape
“Find something you like, that works for your body and do it. It’s really that simple. Some people do great in big group classes, some people need a personal trainer. Myself, I like to work out on my own. So, when I’m home, I do 40 minutes of walking on my treadmill at an incline, and then 20 minutes of yoga or Pilates floor work. I keep telling myself I need to get out to a Pilates class, but I just haven’t gotten around to it. I know I would look better, but the downside of coming to like myself is that I really don’t care that my body isn’t perfect. It’s good enough for me and for the people who love me. Thankfully my days of bathing suit scenes are behind me!”

My Fitness Favorite
“I’ve done Pilates, gyrotonics and lots of yoga at spas. It’s a great way to try new things. I try to give every class a shot. Where else will you have such an embarrassment of riches in terms of choice? My favorite spa activity is hiking, which is why I love Canyon Ranch Tucson so much. They have a wide variety of hikes for every fitness level.”

Advice to My Younger Self
“‘Relax—don’t be so hard on yourself!’ Of course, I wouldn’t have listened. I look at old pictures of myself and think, Why didn’t I just enjoy having that skin and that body? But, alas, like so many young women, I was too busy tearing myself apart. Hopefully, I’ll live a long life so I can enjoy my late-in-life self-acceptance for many years to come!”

My Must-Have Products
“There are two, actually. I would never be without sunscreen. I just started using a great one by Perricone MD, called No Foundation Foundation. It has an SPF of 30 and gives my skin a very pretty natural glow. My other new obsession is also a Perricone product—Cold Plasma Sub-D. I was noticing that my neck wasn’t looking great and I wanted a product that would improve my skin texture and I found Sub-D. I love it! My neck looks so much firmer. I’m thrilled because I wasn’t looking forward to wearing turtlenecks year-round, especially in Southern California!”

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