The Reason Why Male Celebrities Are Suddenly Wearing Nail Polish

The Reason Why Male Celebrities Are Suddenly Wearing Nail Polish featured image

I never thought the next big nail trend on social media would involve men, especially some of Hollywood’s biggest names, like Zac Efron and the Hemsworth brothers, Liam and Chris. 

So what’s the reason? It’s called the Polished Man Challenge (#polishedman), and it’s actually for a really good cause: raising awareness on sexual violence against children. The campaign, started by the nonprofit YGAP, urges men to spread the message that one in five children across the globe falls victim to sexual violence before he or she turns 18 by painting one of their five nails (you see the connection there), and posting it on social media to ignite a conversation.

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As we saw in the past with the Ice Bucket Challenge, etc, this initiative follows suit by having each male participant nominate their friends after posting their photo. Check out the Instagram posts below and keep an eye out for the next round of celebs to join in—we’re looking at you Tom Hiddleston, Hugh Jackman and Jimmy Fallon. And if you have any friends who might be up for the challenge, or just want to make a donation to the cause, click here.

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