
Kristen Bell’s Makeup-Free Selfie Shows How Naturally Radiant She Is at 38

Kristen Bell’s Makeup-Free Selfie Shows How Naturally Radiant She Is at 38 featured image
Photo Credits: Stefanie Keenan / Contributor/ Getty Images

Spotting a clean-faced celebrity is pretty rare—after all, we really only see the highly made up version of them (red-carpet glam!) or the thoroughly filtered version (Instagram selfies!) regularly. However, on the rare occasion a celebrity does choose to go makeup-free, we can’t help but be a tad bit excited.

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Interestingly enough, the latest celebrity to go makeup-free is none other than Kristen Bell, who at 38 years old, apparently has the skin of a 20-year-old.


“Driving a 36 ft motor home isn’t easy but throw on the AC and you bet it’s glamorous AF,” Bell captioned a recent Instagram post, showing off radiant, makeup-free skin. Unsurprisingly, fans were in awe of her clear complexion, writing comments like “You look gorgeous” and “You without make up is maybe the hottest thing since sunshine.”

Considering the outpouring of support Kristen Bell received for her no-makeup look, we can’t help but think that maybe she’ll feel encouraged to rock this bare-faced style more often. Only time will tell.

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