
The Ultimate Guide to Wigs and Toppers From a Celebrity Hairstylist

The Ultimate Guide to Wigs and Toppers From a Celebrity Hairstylist featured image

For those navigating hair loss, thinning or simply seeking added volume, wigs and toppers can be life-changing solutions. Paul Labrecque, founder of Paul Labrecque Salon & Skincare Spa in New York and Palm Beach, has spent years perfecting his approach to these transformative hairpieces. He offers clients unparalleled craftsmanship, customized fit and expert guidance. From sourcing the highest quality hair to achieving seamless color matches, Labrecque ensures that every piece not only looks natural but also restores confidence.

Where does the hair come from?

When it comes to quality, Labrecque leaves no room for compromise. “I source only Eastern European unprocessed hair,” he explains. “A great source right now is Ukraine, where many people are in need of money due to the current circumstances. However, with so many people in transit, my buyers have had difficulty securing high-quality hair.” His commitment to sourcing means clients receive pieces that mimic the texture, feel and movement of natural hair, which is key to a flawless result.

Paul Labrecque’s Palm Beach salon features a collection of his handcrafted wigs and toppers.
Paul Labrecque’s Palm Beach salon features a collection of his handcrafted wigs and toppers.

Wigs vs. Toppers: Which Do You Need?

Choosing between a wig and a topper often comes down to the extent of hair loss. Toppers are ideal for individuals experiencing thinning primarily on the top of the head, while the rest of the hair remains full and healthy. “A topper is designed solely for top thinning. The rest of the hair is usually in good condition,” Labrecque explains.

Wigs, on the other hand, are a solution for more extensive hair loss. “Wigs are more likely for someone experiencing alopecia, cancer-related hair loss, trichotillomania or even religious needs,” he says. For those with insufficient natural hair to secure a topper, Labrecque recommends installing a customized top piece to ensure comfort and wearability.

The Secret to a Perfect Color Match

Matching a wig or topper to your hair color is an art, not a science. “We never use just one color,” Labrecque explains. “Your natural hair is made up of many subtle variations, so I take a lot of pictures and samples to make sure the match is always impeccable.”

For toppers, he often lightens the piece slightly to create a seamless transition. With wigs, the options are endless and Labrecque encourages creativity. “With wigs, the sky is the limit,” he says. For an even more natural look, he sometimes leaves the client’s front hairline visible, blending it perfectly into the piece.

How to Care for Your New Hair

While you may feel tempted to wash or style your wig at home, Labrecque firmly advises against it. “Don’t! Bring them to someone like me who makes and sells them and knows how to recondition and care for them,” he stresses. Unlike natural hair, wigs and toppers lack the natural oils from the scalp, making both far more delicate. “There is no margin for error with these pieces. A good wig starts around $10,000 and you don’t want to pinch pennies when it comes to maintaining it.”

Tips for First-Timers

For those new to wigs or toppers, Labrecque’s advice is clear: find a hair professional who understands your needs and lifestyle. “Machine-made wigs are always too bulky and look unnatural,” he warns. “A good technician will listen to you and guide you toward what’s ideal.”

A customized piece crafted by an expert looks better but also ensures a comfortable, secure fit that works seamlessly with your daily routine.

Solutions for Fine Hair

Clients with fine hair require a personalized approach. Labrecque begins by pinpointing exactly where the hair is thinning. “If the fineness is all over, a top piece with invisible beads at the bottom can work beautifully. For thinning at the ends, extensions with invisible beads are a great option. But fine areas solely on top of the head are best addressed with a custom top piece.”

Labrecque notes that extensions require enough natural hair on top to conceal the extensions properly. “Any extension is only as good as the hair covering it.”

Creating Custom Wigs for Hair Loss

For clients experiencing significant hair loss or balding, Labrecque’s process is entirely bespoke. “Each client gets molded for the exact shape of their scalp and that process can feel a little strange at first,” he says. Once the mold is created, Labrecque designs the wig down to the smallest detail, including the direction in which each hair is tied. “If you have bangs, I’ll tie the hair forward. If you don’t, I use theatrical lace fronts with baby hairs to add lift and realism.”

This level of customization ensures the wig fits perfectly and reflects the client’s natural hairline and style. “I’ll take a lot of pictures, do color samples and even explore fun options if you want to make something magical.”

Labrecque’s passion for his work goes beyond hair. “I take someone who forgot what a dream was because they became—or always were—follicle-challenged and I show them that all you have to do is dream with me. Together, we create a new reality.”

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