Women Are Now Turning to Plastic Surgery to Get Sexy Back Dimples

Women Are Now Turning to Plastic Surgery to Get Sexy Back Dimples featured image

If you’re naturally blessed with back dimples, or Venus Dimples as they’re sometimes called, then consider yourself lucky. Commonly regarded as an indicator of good health and circulation, these indentations on the lower back (where the two pelvic bones connect) cannot be acquired with exercise (but if you have them, weight loss does make them pop more). If you didn’t inherit those cute little butt dimples there’s a clinic in London that is now offering a procedure solely to recreate this sexy, sought-after look.  

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To artificially create those little indents that sit above the buttocks, Dr. Amanda Wong-Powell of W1 Wellness Clinic uses VASER liposuction, a minimally invasive liposuction technique that employs ultrasound technology to eliminate unwanted fat. Named the “V-Spot” treatment, the procedure involves creating two dimples into the back by using a short cannula to sculpt the V-Spot area above the butt. The heat and high-frequency vibration from the ultrasonic probe breaks apart the fat from the inside and is then sucked from the areas where the dimples will appear. The cost of this treatment is around $6,000 and the results take about four weeks to show up.


According to New York plastic surgeon Mokhtar Asaadi, MD, this procedure isn’t really that new, but his patients aren’t coming in just asking for back dimples alone. “As far as it being a trend in the U.S., I haven’t had anyone come in specifically just for the back dimples. But when I do liposuction procedures on the lower back and flanks, as part of that procedure I also recreate the natural dimples that create a sexy back,” says the doctor.

Now that we have the technology to easily fine-tune and tweak various parts of the body without totally going under the knife, it’s no wonder women are choosing to recreate this much-admired body feature. “Liposuction today is more than just suctioning out fat. Creating shape is the main purpose and we call that liposculpturing,” adds Dr. Asaadi. “When we sculpt a feminine shape in the lower back, we usually create a ‘V’ shape above the crease of the buttocks and the back dimples help to accentuate that sexy, feminine look women want.”  

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