Sephora Program Offers Women Something You Can’t Buy With Money

Sephora Program Offers Women Something You Can’t Buy With Money featured image

There are so many wonderful things you can take home from a trip to Sephora, but the beauty retailer is dolling out something you can’t buy with money. This Saturday, October 1, Sephora will be holding their Class for Confidence program in 85 of its locations. The program is designed to help women who are re-entering the workforce do so with an added major confidence boost. The classes will provide step-by-step guidance on skin care, makeup application and simple tips and techniques to help women pounding the pavement create a professional and natural look while on their job hunt.

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Sephora has partnered with local nonprofit organizations in each community to offer participants a chance to learn professional beauty looks to help alleviate appearance anxiety. Participants will receive hands-on instruction and a selection of products so they can recreate their looks at home.

Corrie Conrad, head of the Sephora Stands social impact program, says the classes are in line with the beauty retailer’s educational and philanthropic spirit. “Classes for Confidence was born from our core strength of education, and utilizes the company’s existing infrastructure and beauty class programs for even greater good,” said Conrad. “Our aim with this program is to connect with the community, have fun and help those who partake feel confident, beautiful and ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.”

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The Classes for Confidence program is slated to reach more than 2,000 people by the end of 2016 with more than 200 classes on the horizon. Sephora’s aim is to inspire confidence in more than 100,000 women by 2020 with a goal of providing job opportunities whenever possible for participants in need. Now that’s beauty from the inside out. 

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