
Fill It Back Up: A Guide to Post-Weight-Loss Fillers

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Losing weight can improve health and boost confidence, but it often brings unexpected changes, such as a gaunt appearance, hollow cheeks and loose or crepey skin. “Significant weight loss not only improves health but also helps people look better in clothing. However, especially for patients over 40, it can leave them looking drawn and older,” explains New York plastic surgeon Elie Levine, MD. “Replacing this lost volume is key to maximizing the aesthetic benefits of significant weight loss.” Injectable treatments offer an immediate solution to address these changes. Here’s what the experts recommend about fillers after fat loss.

What Fillers Work Best Post-Weight-Loss?

Fillers come in different types, each serving specific purposes. Hyaluronic acid fillers, like Juvéderm, Restylane and RHA Collection, are versatile and provide immediate results. Poly-L-lactic acid, found in Sculptra, also has an immediate effect but stimulates collagen production over time for gradual, longer-lasting effects. Calcium hydroxyapatite, used in Radiesse, offers structural support and is ideal for contouring.

After significant weight loss, restoring volume often begins with the right choice of filler. Miami dermatologist Ana Chacon, MD says, “I typically use hyaluronic acid-based fillers, such as Juvéderm and Restylane, as they offer great versatility and natural-looking results. I also use Sculptra in some cases, especially for patients who require gradual volume restoration over time.”

West Palm Beach, FL dermatologist Kenneth R. Beer, MD adds, “We use a lot of hyaluronic acid. Sometimes, we blend it with other products to try to enhance the correction. Thicker fillers like Radiesse also work well for most areas and Sculptra is durable and can last a year or more.”

For patients on GLP-1 medications, New York dermatologist Elaine Kung, MD recommends Sculptra. “Sculptra stimulates the body’s natural collagen production, gradually restoring lost volume for a youthful and rejuvenated look.”

Areas to Focus On

When it comes to post-weight-loss fillers, certain areas require more attention. The cheeks and temples are common culprits of volume loss. Dr. Chacon says the most common areas to address for volume loss after weight loss include the cheeks, under-eye hollows and jawline. “Restoring fullness to these areas helps create a more balanced and rejuvenated look,” she says.

Omaha, NE dermatologist Joel Schlessinger, MD notes how crucial the cheeks are for overall appearance, explaining, “Nothing spells illness like the loss of volume in the cheeks. Fix them and they will look and feel better.”

For a comprehensive approach, Glen Burnie, MD dermatologist Valerie Callender, MD recommends a combination approach. “I recommend replacing the volume loss with Juvéderm Voluma for the temples, Sculptra for the mid-face and lower face, Diamond-Tone Microdermabrasion to brighten the skin and Sofwave for tightening and lifting.”

Patience and Expertise

Getting the results you want takes time and the right expertise. “It may take multiple treatments to achieve the desired results. I also recommend waiting until the weight loss process is stable before considering fillers,” says Dr. Chacon.

Choosing a skilled practitioner is critical, adds Omaha, NE dermatologist Daniel Schlessinger, MD. “Go to someone that knows what they’re doing. After you’ve spent considerable time and money, don’t use some injector that was doing your nails last week.” Dr. Joel Schlessinger says addressing volume loss early is the key to getting the best results. “Collagen takes 6–8 months to ‘wake up,’ but the benefits are significant—a long-lasting and natural form of fillers.”

New York dermatologist Jody Levine, MD advises seeking a practitioner with a range of volumizing techniques. “Ideally, you want someone who can augment with fillers and also utilize other methods like threads, radio-frequency skin tightening, Sculptra, or even work alongside a plastic surgeon skilled in fat transfer.”

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