Data Shows This Is the Most Relaxed State in the U.S.

Data Shows This Is the Most Relaxed State in the U.S. featured image
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If you live in a major city the term relaxation is likely foreign to you. Experts at Hush analyzed Google Trends data to see how frequently each state searched terms like “why can’t I sleep,” “sleep anxiety,” etc. The goal was to see which states had the least interest in these searches. The study notes that relaxation plays a crucial part in falling asleep. It reduces the release of cortisol and adrenaline. Unsurprisingly states like New York and California aren’t at the top of the list. However, we’re shocked by the least relaxed state.

According to this data, Wyoming is the most relaxed state. This isn’t all that surprising considering the vast unpopulated land and gorgeous nature. The state scored 23.22 overall and had the least amount of interest in insomnia. Alaska and Montana tied for second place with an average score of 34—both seemingly deeply uninterested in sleep remedies. 

Delaware, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington D.C., Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire make up the rest of the top ten. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Oklahoma is the least relaxed state, scoring a 71. The state had the most amount of interest in sleep remedies.

A spokesperson from Hush notes that many of the top 10 states offer “incredible natural scenery,” such as “Wyoming’s stunning mountains and Maine’s tranquil lakes.” While there are plenty of outside factors that can prevent solid sleep, including poor sleep hygiene, stress and medical conditions, “perhaps the peaceful landscapes are one of the factors that can contribute to winding down and achieving a good night’s sleep.”

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