A Game-Changing Liner That Cleans Your Brush AND Your Hair

A Game-Changing Liner That Cleans Your Brush AND Your Hair featured image

One of my most treasured beauty possessions is a Mason Pearson brush—lovingly acquired almost a decade ago and still used every day. But years of carelessly throwing it around (the bottom of my bag, on an open windowsill) has resulted in hairballs, dust balls and product film settling between the bristles. Hardly something I should be putting through my clean hair every morning, now that I think about it.

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But thanks to Mirai deodorizing brush liners, a genius new product that landed on my desk, the days of dirty brushes—and dirty hair—are officially in the past. Mirai liners have been a Japanese obsession for a long time (they’re finally launching in the U.S.!) and make you wonder how you lived without it here for so long. The 100-percent cotton liners are perforated throughout and designed to be pushed over your paddle brush bristles. Once on, you just brush as usual.

The cotton liners are infused with persimmon extract, an ingredient Japanese geishas used to use for purifying and deodorizing their kimonos, and even bathing. In hair, persimmon helps to eliminate odor (whether body odor or if you stood in a kitchen for too long) whenever you brush your hair. The liners also help to eliminate static. When I tried it on my hair, which tends to be on the frizzier side, the results were noticeably smoother than when I brush without.
But the best part is that the liners keep my brush clean. Instead of resorting to having to pick hair out of my bristles, now I just lift the sheet and dispose of it without a second thought. Mirai liners are priced at $6 for 30 sheets and I can guarantee they’ll be a part of my routine for good.

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