
Kim Kardashian Is Looking for a Beauty Director

Kim Kardashian Is Looking for a Beauty Director featured image

It’s seems like just about every day one of the Kardashian-Jenner sisters is in the news for something beauty-related. Kylie’s Lip Kits nearly broke the internet, Kendall’s ad campaigns are splattered all over, and Kim, Kourtney and Khloé have women following their every move regarding makeup, fitness and wellness. Whether they dye their hair or break a nail, the world knows about it. 

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This all lends itself perfectly to the news of Kim’s new reality show debut, which according to a casting call notice posted by PopSugar (below), involves a major search for the next superstar beauty blogger or vlogger—we’re picturing Project Runway, but for makeup. If you think you have what it takes to impress the queen of reality TV (and selfies too, of course), the prize is the ultimate dream come true for millions of beauty junkies around the globe: beauty director for Kardashian apps. If we can guess, this means full access to their world of makeup, hair extensions, laser treatments, nail colors, lip injections, etc…the list goes on. Never a boring day at the office—that’s for sure!

The casting director for the show, which has yet to be named but plans to begin filming in October, told PopSugar that the team behind the Kardashian apps is looking for bloggers with “a strong following, like the Chrisspys of the world.” She has more than 1.5 million subscribers on YouTube, so we can see the stakes will be set high. Stay tuned to NewBeauty.com for updates!

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