
A Woman Lost All of Her Hair After Using This Product


A year ago, YouTuber Hannah Forcier went from having long brown hair to pink hair, which involved bleaching it in order to get it light enough to hold the colorful hue. In her many YouTube videos, Forcier sports different looks, saying she uses her hair to express herself. 

Now, one of those videos has gone viral—it has more than 5 million views—but unfortunately, it bears some terrible news. Forcier singed off all of her hair by mistakingly using a relaxer on her bleached hair. 

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“I bought a new product for my hair that I thought would help it,” Forcier says in her video, holding back tears. “I covered my hair in the cream, waited the correct amount the time [20 minutes] and got in the shower. When I turned around in the shower and felt all the water rushing through my hair, I was trying to wash it out. It started feeling really clumpy, and it started falling out. I could feel my hair coming out and going down my back. I didn’t realize how bad it was until i got out of the shower and I could see that the water wasn’t going down the drain anymore. I could see that the whole side was gone.”

Forcier panicked and turned to her roommate for help, who suggested she go to the salon to see about getting tape-in hair extensions. “They told me that my hair was now too short and there was nothing they could do about it. So the only thing they could think to do was to cut it all off.”

After receiving an overwhelming amount of support from her YouTube subscribers and social media followers, as well as many questions, Forcier posted a follow-up video to provide some answers. The biggest question on everyone’s mind: Which product did the damage? 

Forcier said it was a drugstore-bought hair relaxer and conditioner, but would not name the brand. “I am not going to slander the company who made it. I did read the warnings and it said ‘Do not use on damaged hair.’ I guess I just didn’t know how damaged my hair was until I used it.”

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Hair professionals know not to use relaxers on bleached hair, but Forcier states in the video that she is not a professional and didn’t realize the potential harm it could cause. “This was one of the most traumatizing situations that I personally have ever been in.”

PSA: Always read the fine print and triple-check the instructions before using a product type you’re not familiar with.

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