
Hailee Steinfeld Talks Football, Breast Health and Advocating for Herself

Hailee Steinfeld Talks Football, Breast Health and Advocating for Herself featured image
Courtesy of Novartis

Whether you tune in to the Super Bowl because you’re a die-hard fan, halftime pop-in or a full-on commercial connoisseur, one thing is certain: The big game is almost here, and the world is waiting.

Someone who is all in is actress and musician Hailee Steinfeld. The 28-year-old is engaged to Buffalo Bills’ quarterback Josh Allen, and while her team (and player) of choice didn’t make the Super Bowl, Steinfeld has some exciting messaging to debut the day of—in the form of a very special campaign.

In conjunction with Novartis, a global leader in breast cancer care, Steinfeld (as well as breast cancer survivor Wanda Sykes) will help launch the “Your Attention, Please” campaign. Set to air during Super Bowl LIX on FOX, the campaign “seeks to inspire people in the United States to prioritize breast health, increase annual rates of breast cancer screenings, and ultimately, reduce the deadly impact of breast cancer—the second most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death among women in the United States.”

“The number of women around me who have been impacted by breast cancer either personally, or in their family, has made me realize how important it is to stay proactive when it comes to breast health,” shares Steinfeld over a recent Zoom. “We all play a role in encouraging women to prioritize their breast health—whether you’re of screening age or not—and should make it a priority to discuss the steps we can all take to better understand our risk factors with our doctors, friends, family and community.”

This is clearly an important message to get out there. What does this project mean to you, personally?

I was so excited and honored at the thought of partnering with Novartis on this incredible ad to bring awareness to breast cancer. Knowing your risk is so important. Like so many people, I know women who have been affected. Understanding the importance of getting screened now, at 28, and knowing my risk is something that I’m grateful to know. Had I known a few years sooner, it would have been a conversation that we were having sooner. But I’m grateful to be having the conversation now. I’m hoping that that’s what this is for many, many women and young women. I hope it’s a conversation starter to know your risks, understand them and prioritize your breast health.

That’s amazing, it does touch everyone. Where is your head at knowing that you’re going to be on an ad like this—the reach is pretty massive.

I would be lying if I said I haven’t had a football commercial on my bucket list! And I could not think of a more perfect one. I am really proud and honored to be a part of this project. This is such an important message and such an incredible way of getting people’s attention—to turn that attention to where their attention should be, which is at yourattentionplease.com. You can go and take this test and know your risk. It’s an incredible feeling to know that this will reach millions of people.

Can you explain how easy it is for someone to go to the site and run us through how it might work for someone?

Absolutely. It is as simple as going to yourattentionplease.com and taking this risk assessment test. It takes you minutes and, most importantly, opens up a conversation between you and your family. It’s an incredible tool to send that link to women in your circle so they can do the same. It’s such an empowering feeling.

I think it’s probably safe to assume you are a football fan. How excited do you get when it’s time for the game?

Oh, it’s the most exciting. My Mondays and Sundays have never been more exciting. It’s the most amazing thing to be this close to it and to understand. As you can imagine, there’s so much that goes into it. I have such an appreciation and respect for the game and for what the players do.

And you’re also a bit of a wellness person. What are you doing right now for self-care and wellness in general?

I feel like this partnership with Novartis couldn’t have come at a more perfect time, being a new year. I feel like every year should be the year of prioritizing your health. For me, personally, that is really where I’m at…knowing my body, understanding its needs. In the day-to-day, I’ve gotten really good at checking in with myself and meeting myself where I’m at. Whether that’s in a hectic time or a slower time, it’s important to give my body what it needs. It’s also important to give it the attention it deserves. That’s why I’m so grateful to be a part of this conversation, raising awareness for breast cancer.

It’s such a huge part, as a woman, to know your risk and prioritize your health overall—as well as your breast health, specifically. I couldn’t be more grateful to be going into this year with this messaging. Both for me, and for the women in my life. I think it helps open a greater conversation about how taking care of yourself is vital.

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