Get the Ultimate Facial with Ultrasound

Get the Ultimate Facial with Ultrasound featured image
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Touted as the “under the radar” advanced alternative to traditional microdermabrasion treatments, ultrasound facials are quickly gaining mass popularity among dermatologists not only for their capability to tone and tighten the skin, but for their unique ability to help active anti-aging ingredients penetrate the skin.

“The use of focused ultrasound is a new frontier in cosmetic medicine,” says Mountlake Terrace, WA, plastic surgeon Richard Baxter, MD. What many doctors have found through research, is that unlike microdermabrasion and peels, ultrasound doesn’t disrupt the delicate top layer of skin—the biggest barrier for active ingredients. Peels and microdermabrasion on the hand, strip the stratum corneum to resurface the skin and allow ingredients to penetrate better.

Ultrasound works on the cellular level. You see, your skin is like a brick wall and ultrasound breaks up the intercellular cement, which allows absorption of active ingredients without the risk of too much exfoliation, like you might get with other treatments.

Because ultrasound facials are less invasive, there is no downtime and no room for error. “It is precisely controlled and very safe. It works best on patients without extreme laxity to their skin and in some cases the results can rival surgery. The best part is that there is no downtime after a treatment or scars,” says Ann Arbor, MI, dermatologist Richard Beil, MD.

So what results can you expect from such a noninvasive procedure? Better absorption of your skin-care products, tightening along the jowls, neck, and eyelids, tighter pores immediately and improvement in fine lines and wrinkles. 

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