Celebrity trainers are responsible for the hottest bodies in Hollywood. Their sets, reps and sweat are what keeps our favorite stars in shape. And when it comes to their own workouts, they go just as hard (and get equally amazing results). We asked top celeb trainers to share their favorite moves so we can work out just like them.
Joey Thurman, Celebrity Fitness and Nutrition Expert and Founder of The Lifestyle Renovation
“The Two Foot Touch is an amazing movement for your shoulders, triceps, back stabilizers and core, and it’s a true test of your aerobic capacity,” says Thurman. “It’s a variation of a plank on your hands.”
1. Start by getting into a push-up position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders, or about two feet apart (hence the name).
2. Make sure your shoulders are in line with your hips and your abs/glutes are engaged to take the load off of your lower back.
3. Bring your feet together and maintain foot placement during the entire movement. Set your timer for 30 seconds, or aim for about 30 touches on each side if you don’t have a timer.
4. While your feet are together, pick one hand up and reach across your chest line to touch your opposite hand. Take the hand that just touched your opposite hand and place it back in the starting position.
5. Now, take your other hand and touch the hand that you started with and return that hand back to the beginning. Do this movement as fast (and as controlled) as you possibly can.
You can even make this a challenge between you and a workout partner. How many touches can you get in 30 seconds without separating your feet? If your feet come apart, assess a two-touch penalty. Your health is serious, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun working out!
Mike Donavanik, Celebrity Trainer and Fitfusion Expert
“My favorite exercise that I love to do is the burpee!” he says. “So many people dislike it, but I think it’s a great, fun and challenging exercise. You don’t need a ton of space or any equipment to do it, plus there’s so much going on during the exercise that you don’t really think about how tough it is until you’re done, which is a good and a bad thing!”
1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, weight on your heels and your arms at your sides.
2. Push your hips back, bend your knees and lower your body into a squat.
3. Place your hands on the floor directly in front of, and just inside, your feet. Shift your weight onto them.
4. Jump your feet back to softly land on the balls of your feet in a full plank position. Your body should form a straight line from your head to heels. Keep that core tight!
5. Perform a push-up. I personally drop my chest down to the ground every time. That way you work through a full range of motion.
6. Explosively jump your feet back so that they land just outside of your hands.
7. Jump into the air and clap your hands over your head.
8. Land and immediately lower yourself back into a squat for your next rep.
Nat Bardonnet, Celebrity Trainer and Fitness Expert
“This is one of my favorite moves that I do to train myself when there is little time,” says Bardonnet. “I like to do it as a full body, cardio, burning, sculpting, kick-my-own-butt workout!”
1. Start with alternating knee-ups for 30 seconds.
2. Without any break (ever), follow with alternating front kicks (full leg extension and point your toes; I am very technical) for 30 seconds.
3. Then add a prisoner squats (hands behind your head, plant your heels, feet slightly wider than shoulders) for 30 seconds (if you want to target your inner thighs, go wider and open your toes outward).
4. Mix it all up, right knee up, right leg kick, squat, then left knee up, left leg kick, squat for 30 seconds.
5. Jump into a burpee, add a push-up—up and down burpees with push-ups. I usually do one triceps push-up and one wide push-up for 30 seconds.