Why a Personal Trainer is Worth It

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When you really want to lose weight and tone your body, there’s nothing better than having a personal trainer guide you every step of the way. Trainers don’t come cheap—those with a celebrity clientele can charge upward of $500 per workout—but the results they provide make it worth every penny.

Why You Should Do It
Whether you’ve never stepped foot in a gym or have been working out for years, a personal trainer guarantees a guided, customized and safe experience.

Celebrity trainer Lacey Stone says, “Large classes aren’t tailored to your specific needs. One-on-one training allows for customized workouts that focus on what you want to target for faster, better results. Personal trainers help with form—if your form isn’t right that’s when you get hurt.”

How To Find A Good Trainer
Just because your trainer has a good body, doesn’t mean they are right for you—go with someone who has experience working with what you want to target, is certified and understands your goals.

Stone says to select a trainer who is motivating and is going to hold you accountable for your progress. “Your trainer should encourage you to change your body and guide you.” You might also want to look for a trainer with a good understanding of nutrition, which can be helpful.

The Cost Factor
Hiring a trainer will cost you more than a monthly gym membership (you may have to pay for that, too). “If you have a trainer come to your house, you may even pay more,” says celebrity trainer Kristin McGee.

“For some, that’s the only way they can get a workout in so they feel it’s worth it.” She adds, “For the most part, trainers don’t come cheap. Their high price tag makes you value the service, so you’re going to maximize your efforts and push yourself to see results.”

The Bottom Line
It’s totally worth it. “You’ll work harder than if you were to work out on your own, and get better results, too,” says McGee. Working out with a trainer (try to do it at least once or twice a week, if not more) is a great investment in yourself.

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