Camila Cabello on ‘Crazy’ Beauty Standards: ‘My Weight Is Gonna Go Up and Down’

Camila Cabello on ‘Crazy’ Beauty Standards: ‘My Weight Is Gonna Go Up and Down’ featured image
Instagram: camilacabello

Let’s be real: Most of us had a first-hand experience with weight fluctuation, especially during stay-at-home orders. But instead of being hard on ourselves for a rising number on the scale, we should normalize the fact that our weight fluctuates throughout our life—and Camila Cabello agrees.

In a recent episode of The Late Show with James Corden, the singer verbalized her feelings about a recent incident where she was unknowingly photographed. “I had my belly out, I didn’t know anybody was taking pictures of me,” she says, explaining that the photos initially sparked a bout of anxiety about having her stomach exposed. But, after some time passed, the 24-year-old decided to change her mindset.

“I was like, you know what, this is normal,” she says on the show. “It’s like, my weight is gonna go up and down. Also we have these crazy beauty standards from freakin’ Instagram of people that are photoshopped or if they’re not photoshopped, it’s not every woman’s body. And I was just like, you know let me get on TikTok and just talk about this.”

In the viral video she posted—it currently has 4.7 million likes—Cabello says, “I was just running in the park, minding my own business, trying to be fit, trying to keep it healthy and I’m wearing a top that shows my belly and I wasn’t tucking it in ’cause I was running and existing like a normal person that doesn’t tuck it in all the time…But then I reminded myself that being at war with your body is so last season. I am grateful for this body that lets me do what I need to do.”

Although Cabello is normalizing weight fluctuation, it’s evident that she likes to keep her body moving to stay healthy. A few of her favorite workouts: Dancing and lifting weights with her personal trainer Jenna Willis. Based on Camila’s exercise routine and healthy mindset, the star is developing a healthy relationship with her body.

Updated on 1/10/22
Five months later and Camilla is still focusing on her body, made evident by her recent Instagram post. “Posted no pics because I was hashtag living life but I was in the REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA BABYYYYYY VAMO A UN TETEOOOOOO,” she writes in her caption. It’s obvious that loving her body has made her feel comfortable in it, too.

Updated on 4/4/22

Every celebrity wants to have their privacy from paparazzi some of the time, especially when their self esteem is being affected. Explaining how unwarranted paparazzi shots can be detrimental to her body confidence, Cabello gets real in a recent Instagram post. “Every time I go to this beach club in Miami, I get papped,” she writes in her post. “Somehow when I check in, paps know and get me in my bikini and every time I’ve felt super vulnerable and unprepared—I’ve worn bikinis that were too small and paid no mind to how I looked, and then saw pictures online and comments and been so upset.”

Cabello notes that it’s important to remember that body standards are a result of other people’s thoughts and comments, and that everyone has natural weight fluctuations, stretch marks, bellies and bloating. “Today I got a new bikini, a whole f***** cute outfit, put lipgloss on and didn’t eat anything too heavy before going into the OCEAN because I knew it was gonna be basically a whole photoshoot. I held my core so tight by abs hurt and didn’t breathe and barely smiled and was so self conscious of where the paps where the whole time I couldn’t let go and relax and do what we’re meant to do when we go out in nature…I wanted to talk about this because we see pictures of healthy women and praise them for looking good, for looking fit for ‘healthy,’ but what is health if you are so fixated on what your body looks like that your mental health suffers and you can’t enjoy your life?” The singer is working on not caring what others think, but this message was an important reminder that body confidence may come in waves, and self acceptance can take years and years of work and positive self talk.

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