Like almost everyone else in the world, I started upping my practically nonexistent workout routine once January 1 hit. Nothing extreme; a class here and there, doing cardio when I could and strength-training at least three times a week was the goal. The hardest step is definitely just starting, but beyond that, everything was going swimmingly…until I realized something sinister I thought I had left in the past was popping up again.
Body acne.
First it appeared as a couple of raised blemishes on my back. I didn’t love it, but I also didn’t have any upcoming plans to sport something backless in the dead of winter, so I didn’t let it phase me. Then, I started to notice the spots were multiplying and taking over my chest—to the point I couldn’t wear anything that didn’t cover up to my neck without feeling really self-conscious.
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It was bad. I tried to take a long, hot shower the literal second I was done with my workout, but all that did was seem to leave me with dry skin, plus the pimples.
I had two choices: I could either stop working out or start stocking up on turtlenecks. Then, the untapped third option came across my desk like a literal beacon of light: The Tria Positively Clear Acne Clearing Blue Light ($149). I had heard about the new acne-fighting system (there’s also a Foam Cleanser and Spot Treatment that come with it and it’s actually intended for your face although it is safe to use on the body), but—jinx—didn’t think I needed it because my complexion was looking pretty clear as of late.
I popped it open and gave it a try, concentrating on my back (where I could reach it) and chest, hitting both the spots I could see and the areas I was afraid might be next.
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No, it doesn’t erase every imperfection on contact, and because it’s using bacteria-busting blue light to work its magic, you don’t actually “see” of “feel” it doing anything—you just have to trust that it’s doing something. It’s really streamlined and easy to use, and gets bonus points that you can throw it in your medicine cabinet next to your toothbrush so you’ll actually remember to use it.
Two weeks out and I can definitely see a difference. I haven’t had any new breakouts and the ones I did have are either gone or way, way smaller. Seems like you can have your workout cake and eat it too. (Bad analogy…in addition to the skin issues mentioned above, another side effect of getting in shape is that you dream about cake.)