Spray Your Way to Moisturized Legs

Spray Your Way to Moisturized Legs featured image

Here’s the truth, I am part of the 4 percent of women that doesn’t regularly use lotion. That’s if it’s true that 96 percent do, according to the market research firm Mintel. Unfortunately, I have no good excuse as to why I don’t, except for the fact that it seems inconvenient to lather up my whole body when I am trying to dash out of the door in the morning.

My co-workers will likely think this is nuts, because as a beauty editor, heck as a woman, we typically love the time we get to pamper ourselves and play with products. Exhibit A: I have the time of my life when I sit and paint my nails. Exhibit B: I deem a salon blowout totally worth 45 minutes of my lunch hour.

But I think I love those moments because it feels like a treat. (Where as lotion feels like a chore—akin to tweezing my eyebrows and putting on SPF.) That’s why when I received the new Vaseline Spray & Go Moisturizer ($8), a body lotion in a spray form that goes on super quick and flash dries, I was intrigued. I thought, well, if I can lotion-up as quickly as I can put on deodorant, then I can get on board with it. Maybe I can finally join my well-moisturized sisters in the 96 percent. So I gave it a go, spraying it all up and down my legs like I was on the beach misting on sunscreen.

Then, came the test. I slipped on my tightest jeans and was presently surprised to have them glide on effortlessly, not like they do when I use body butters and such—I typically need a couple minutes of lotion dry time and absorption before the skinnies can go on. 

Now, I can’t speak to how deeply this spray actually moisturizes your skin, especially if you have very dry skin. It seems to me like it lightly moisturizes, but if that’s all you need, then it’s a quick way to get the chore done. 

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