The Skin-Care Ingredient Nicole Kidman ‘Covers’ Herself in Daily

The Skin-Care Ingredient Nicole Kidman ‘Covers’ Herself in Daily featured image

In a recent video for Harper’s Baazar, Nicole Kidman shares everything she uses on her skin and hair before head-hits-pillow, and her routine is refreshingly simple.

She starts by pumping a few drops of Clarity Foaming Cleanser ($25) from her brand Sera Labs into her palm and applying it directly to the skin, a product she says smells “amazing.” Next, she uses the Sera Labs Seratopical Radiant Glow Facial Oil ($40). “It has CBD so it helps with inflammation of the skin and the redness,” she says as she massages the product into her skin. “It feels so good—I like to have moist skin.”

With her quick and easy skin-care routine out of the way, the 9 Perfect Strangers star shows us what she uses in her curly hair. Dropping Philip B. Rejuvenating Oil ($35) onto her strands, she says, “Because my hair is so curly, this oil is excellent when my hair is straightened, but I then braid it because it makes me feel like I can sleep without it getting knotted.”

Explaining her simplified routine, Kidman says, “I think I’m just very much about less is more…As I get older and also after having kids, I cannot be bothered.” The only step that changes in her morning routine is a thorough application of zinc. “I love running and I love swimming, but I cover myself in zinc—you can get clear zinc now—and I always wear sunscreen.”

Finally, the 54-year-old sprays the Henry Rose Queens & Monsters Eau de Parfum ($120) and applies SeraLabs Cracked Heel Souffle ($40) to her feet to keep them moisturized during her snooze.

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