
Kathy Griffin Responds to Backlash About Her Curly Hair

Kathy Griffin Responds to Backlash About Her Curly Hair featured image
Tibrina Hobson / Contributor / Getty Images

Comedian Kathy Griffin recently took to Instagram to post a not-so humorous video regarding hateful comments on her curly hair. Defending her look, the star says “This is how it grows out of my head!”

Holding back tears, Griffin also says, “I’m making this video because I’ve been gating some social media hate because of my curly hair. A lot of ‘girl, you’ve got to get rid of that hair’ and ‘girl, we don’t like your hair like that.'”


She continued, “Well, this is how my hair grows out of my head—it always has and it always will. I’m a naughty, curly-haired, red-haired lady and I’m not saying my days of blowouts are over, but I’m just asking you to accept me for my curly-haired self.”

Despite the previous comments, this video has received a lot of positivity, with commenters saying, “Let that curly long hair fly” and “Love it! I’m embracing my curly hair this year too. If people don’t like it, not our problem, right?”

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