Julianne Moore’s Drugstore-Cleanser Duo, Amazon Finds and Makeup Musts-Haves

Julianne Moore’s Drugstore-Cleanser Duo, Amazon Finds and Makeup Musts-Haves featured image
Marc Piasecki/FilmMagic/ Getty Images

When actress Julianne Moore graced our cover in 2015, she hammered home her love of the then off-the-radar benefits of chlorophyll. “I drink a tablespoon of chlorophyll in my water in the morning,” she said at the time. “I’m still not totally sure what it is or what it does, but I think it is working for me.”

While she might have been ahead of the wellness pack, a recent interview with Marie Claire states she’s still a fan of the green drops, as well as some drugstore cleansers, Amazon finds and must-have makeup items.

“When I’m not working, I usually get up around 7:30 or 8 o’clock—I don’t want to sleep any later than that,” she said in the interview. “Then, I’ll have two large glasses of room temperature filtered water and I’ll put chlorophyll in both of them. I’ve been doing that for 15 years or something. Somebody once told me that someone told them it was good for their skin, so I used to drink this stuff called Wachter’s Chlorphyll. Now they’re out of business, so I use ChlorOxygen, which comes with a little dropper and it’s easier to carry around.”

Moore, who is an ambassador for Hourglass Cosmetics, also said she’s still good about SPF, washing her face, and making time for some self-care rituals, including Epsom salt baths and the BioMat.

“If I don’t have a yoga class, I’ll probably walk my dogs. And if I walk my dogs, I will most likely wash my face and do my skincare routine before I go out. Because I do have to do this whole skincare routine. If I’m going to go outside, I make sure to do my whole routine plus sunscreen. I wash my face with a mild cleanser. Hourglass has a really good one called Equilibrium—it’s foaming and I really like it. Or, I’ll just use a CeraVe or a Cetaphil. Then I have a vitamin C serum that I only use in the morning. My facialist, Fabricio Ormande, turned me on to some products. He has a vitamin A cream combination that I put on. Then, I use sunscreen. Lately, I’ve been using Biore, which is a Japanese brand that I get on Amazon.”

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