
This Is How the Kardashians’ Famous Makeup Artist Bounced Back After Having Twins

This Is How the Kardashians’ Famous Makeup Artist Bounced Back After Having Twins featured image
Photo Credits: JB Lacroix / Contributor/ Getty Images

She’s the OG makeup mastermind behind the famed Kardashians’ look. Known for glamming the sisters to full capacity, celebrity makeup artist Joyce Bonelli knows a thing or two about looking your best at all times. After the 36-year-old platinum blond gave birth to her twin boys, Raz and Kal-el, the glamazon wasted no time and spared no expense getting her body back in shape.

Her first pregnancy with son Zeplin (now age 5) was, “Easy. It was so easy that I was on tour four days before I gave birth to him.” The second time around, Bonelli, who again worked up until the day she had her twins, says she did not have the tour-worthy energy. “I was extremely exhausted, swollen and uncomfortable.” Yet, she made it a priority to rub both La Mer Crème de la Mer ($170) and cocoa butter all over her body, “Like five times a day. I was very dehydrated this time and felt like my skin was exceptionally dry. I tell all new moms to lather up and drink lots of water.”

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“After I had Zeplin, I did Ultherapy treatments on my whole body, especially my stomach. I think this really helped my skin bounce back quicker after my second pregnancy. Now that I think about it, I am going to start doing it to my whole body again. It is magic,” says Bonneli. “Something to remember while doing laser treatments is that you must not drink, so that your liver works to break down the fat and flush it out of the body. I stopped drinking for about one year, and I look better now than I did when I was 16.”

About eight months after delivering the twins, she noticed that her hair was starting to thin out. “I had it after my first pregnancy, too. But this time I did a stem cell treatment on my scalp. The first session was about four months ago, and I have one more left to do. I can already see new growth coming in.”

Cognizant of what she ate while pregnant and what she used topically on her perfect alabaster skin, Bonelli changed her diet to be more natural. “Besides being really cautious of everything I ate, I also started taking a lot of vitamins. But the one thing I struggled with was trying to drink as little coffee as possible.”

With three sons now to call her own, Bonelli, who has a makeup line in the works, has been able to resume one of her favorite beauty treatments, regular injections of Botox Cosmetic, which must be avoided by any pregnant woman no matter what. “Botox (along with eyelash extensions) are my must-have, can’t-live-without beauty situations.”

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