Jennifer Lopez Poses Nude for Upcoming Single and Proves 51 Is Just a Number

Jennifer Lopez Poses Nude for Upcoming Single and Proves 51 Is Just a Number featured image
Emma McIntyre /AMA2020 / Contributor / Getty Images

Leave it to J.Lo to break the internet—again. While we were busy getting our intimate Thanksgiving plans in order, Lopez was busy promoting her new single, “In the Morning,” out this Friday, and upcoming beauty line with a series of sizzling photos on Instagram.

While her next-level contour and signature “J.Lo Glow”—all courtesy of top-secret JLO BEAUTY products—took center stage for most of the week, it’s her latest photo that has everyone’s jaws dropping.

“Surprise! Here’s the official cover art for #InTheMorning,” the singer, actress, entrepreneur and mother of two captioned a nude photo showcasing her ultra-toned body.

Alongside millions of awestruck fans, countless celebrities have been quick to share our exact thoughts below the photo. “If this doesn’t break the internet nothing will,” commented celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson. A speechless Rita Ora summed it up in one word: “Legend.”

Crediting rigorous exercise three to six times per week depending on what she’s “training for,” according to a recent conversation with Oprah, J.Lo, who turned 51 in July, has long been known for her incredible physique. Often training with her fiancé Alex Rodriguez, the pair relies on fasted cardio, or cardio before breakfast, in order to burn more calories from fat. In addition, Lopez has been open about the three healthy habits she keeps: no caffeine, no alcohol, and lots of sleep.

Aside from serving up all of the fitness inspiration we’ve been needing, Lopez is a true testament to her upcoming beauty and skin-care line’s credo: “Beauty has no expiration date.”

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