Jennifer Aniston Shares the Down-to-Earth Wellness Strategy That Keeps Her on Track

Jennifer Aniston Shares the Down-to-Earth Wellness Strategy That Keeps Her on Track featured image
Getty Images /James Devaney / Contributor

At this stage of Jennifer Aniston’s health and wellness journey, the 55-year-old actress has zero interest in passing fads. Instead, she prioritizes consistency, sticking to her preferred workout—Pvolve—and the health and wellness principles that ground her.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, published Wednesday, May 1, The Morning Show star spoke about her love of the workout, which combines low-impact functional fitness with resistance-based equipment. “It’s like I found a precious stone of some sort,” she told the outlet. “It’s just changed my whole outlook on working out. It’s something I look forward to.”

As a result of doing the workout consistently, Aniston says she feels “stronger from the inside out in ways that I’ve never quite been before,” adding, “There’s muscle definition that I didn’t know I could have.”

Aniston finds solace in having a reliable workout routine that prioritizes how her body feels, a stark contrast to experimenting with temporary diet trends that don’t work. “Fads are what they are—they’re just fads. They come and they go, and it’s not very science-based or backed by much,” she said. “When I was in my 20s, was there a grapefruit diet for a second there? Sure. I remember doing that. I also remember doing Nutrisystem… Things like that just aren’t sustainable.”

Similarly, she remains pragmatic about exercise’s role in overall wellness. It’s “all about balance and it’s all about common sense,” she said. One of her core wellness principles is “calories in, calories out.” Elaborating on this, she explained: “You put good, healthy vegetables, organic foods in your body, your body is gonna thrive on it. Put crap in your body, and your body’s gonna show that,” she explained. “Your body is just a reflection of everything that you do. It’s about maintaining a balance.”

One of her go-to wellness strategies for staying on track is the 80/20 rule. “Eighty percent straight as an arrow, doing all that we’re supposed to do, and then give yourself 20 percent of fun,” she said. “That’s like, let’s go out with the girls and get Mexican food, margaritas. Let’s have a pizza party. Let’s barbeque burgers and fries, hot dogs, by the pool. It’s indulging and enjoying yourself and maybe saying, ‘I’m not gonna work out today.'”

These philosophies have guided her for some time. In an interview with NewBeauty in June of 2023, she shared a similar sentiment when asked about how she stays fit and well. “What are you feeding your body?” she asked. “Don’t eat crap. You’ve got to get the right amount of sleep. You’ve got to drink tons and tons and tons of water. You also have to give yourself the 20 percent of fun and gluttony and have a good time and indulge.

For me, I couldn’t do that saintly, never go off the rails or deviate from the plan of perfect wellness because I like to enjoy myself.”

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