From former Disney kid turned pop star to mom and business owner, Ashley Tisdale has worn many hats throughout her career. With the launch of her brand Being Frenshe—a functional fragrance–based line of products aimed at uncomplicating wellness—the 38-year-old is now a self-care guru, too.
Full Cup
“My mood right now is joy and bliss! I’ve been spending a lot of time at the beach with my daughter, and it has really filled my cup.”
Rise N’ Shine
“The first thing I like to do every morning is meditate. Then, I’ll make a cup of coffee and play with my daughter after she wakes up. It’s the best way to start the day.”
Wind Down
“At night, my skin-care routine always features some sort of face wash, peptide product, retinol, and eye cream to help my skin reset overnight.”
Sweet Treats
“My daily must-have indulgence is a hot almond latté in the afternoon. It’s such a cozy ritual, and it gives me the energy boost I need to power through the rest of the day.”
Family Heirloom
“My prized possession is definitely my grandma’s necklace. She passed away a few years ago, and the necklace has been in the family for a long time. It means a lot to me.”
Always On
“My phone, water, go-to supplements, and Being Frenshe Cashmere Vanilla Hand Serum ($8) are always on me no matter where I’m going. The Kosas Mascara ($36) is another one of my musts. I’m big on supplements, and Arrae’s Rest & Digest Kit ($110) is essential to my day-to-day.”