Jane Fonda’s Candid Cosmetic Surgery Confession

Jane Fonda’s Candid Cosmetic Surgery Confession featured image

Actress, activist and fitness icon Jane Fonda has been aging fabulously, no? But she’s not just going to let everyone think it happens without an effort-she has a higher moral beauty code than that.

In fact, last week, she blogged about her recent procedures on janefonda.com, where she posts plenty of personal pictures, letting everyone in on one of her secrets to looking so spectacular in her seventies: “Bob Evans complimented me on my new, short haircut and I said, ‘Thanks. I just had some ‘work’ done on my chin and neck and had the bags taken away from under my eyes so I decided it would be good to get a new hair cut so people will think it’s my new hair.’ He thought that was so funny he actually toasted me for doing what he said he’d never heard anyone do before: admit they’d had work done. I was planning on blogging about it anyway so who cares? I’m writing a book about aging so I couldn’t very well NOT talk about it.”

She goes on to say, “I swore in 2000 I’d never have anything done again but this year I got tired of not looking like how I feel and I wanted a more refined chin line like I used to have so I changed my mind. I’m still a little swollen but not much and what pleases me is that I won’t looked pulled or weird…or tired all the time. And my crows feet are still alive and well. I wish I’d been brave enough to not do anything but, instead, I chose to be a somewhat more glamorous grandma. So there.”

Admitting to and talking about cosmetic surgery is up to each individual patient, but we love Ms. Fonda’s unapologetic and inspiring attitude!

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