Almost every woman has questioned at one time or another the shape of her breasts. Whether it’s a lack of fullness, too little cleavage or breasts that appear too heavy, we’ve all pondered the notion of, “How does this make me look?”
Just like how the face loses volume, the same rule holds true for breasts. They flatten at the top part and begin to fall down. For most women, it isn’t until we get past the childbearing years that we notice a difference. “The ratio of breast tissue changes over time and skin elasticity decreases, leading to changes in the breasts,” says Concord, CA, plastic surgeon Eric Mariotti, MD.
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If you’re too small and feel like you need lots of padding to fill out a top
Santa Monica, CA, plastic surgeon Steven Teitelbaum, MD, says he sees two types of breast augmentation patients—those who don’t fill out their clothes like they did and those who may have been OK but now need a “refill” after having children. Breast augmentation is the most reliable way to increase your size and shape. Another option is fat, which can be removed from the thighs, butt or stomach and injected into the breasts. “It doesn’t give the same volume as implants. I like to do this on women that are happy with their volume but want more fullness,” explains San Diego plastic surgeon Joseph L. Grzeskiewicz, MD.
If your breasts are saggy and you feel like bathing suits give you no support
Breasts that have been affected from pregnancy, aging, genetics or all three, require surgery to lift them back into place. Lost volume is a major contributor to shapeless breasts that sag. “If there is ample breast tissue yet the breasts sag, a lift may be all you need. If you don’t have much tissue and your breasts are mostly empty skin, an implant plus lifting the breasts gives a pretty shape,” says Atlanta plastic surgeon Carmen M. Kavali, MD. For those with a decent amount of breast tissue that are a B to D cup size, the tissue can be affixed to the chest muscle to give a look similar to what an implant can achieve along with added support.
If you’re too big and you feel that you show too much cleavage in a bathing suit or that your breasts spill out of the bottom or sides
The only way to alter the size of your breasts is with a breast reduction. It’s crucial that your plastic surgeon explains where and how extensive your scars will be. “The physical cost of smaller, tighter, perkier breasts is the scars. There is almost always a scar around the areola and from the areola down to the folds of the breasts. There is usually a scar in the fold of the breasts, too,” says Dr. Mariotti. Many breast reduction patients take the scars over their pendulous breasts. “This is one surgery that patients seem to be happiest with,” says Dr. Kavali. If necessary, a breast lift can be done in tandem with a breast reduction for a fully rejuvenated look. For some patients, breast reductions can be accomplished with liposuction alone. It is called scarless breast reduction.